posted something that really struck a chord with me today:
I wasn’t planning on rolling on anything when I went in. I’d rather not roll on loot until I feel that I’ve done MY best to be at the max I can be first. If other people did their best to gear up and I didn’t, why should I get their only possible upgrades?
He was talking about his hunter that has been brought along to a couple Naxx raids which he hadn't played in a while and felt bad that he hadn't done his best to gear up in preparation for serious raiding.
But his loot philosophy is one that I wish more people would follow. I have no problem losing a roll to someone who needs an upgrade. I do have a problem when someone wins a roll and they are able to replace a level 76 quest reward item with a 25 man Naxx item that I needed. Also, while I don't mind passing to regular raiders that I run with, I hate being in PUGs or joint efforts and asked to pass an item for the "good of the raid."
Hypothetical: I'm running with Tier 7 shoulders, Tier 7.5 drops from Loatheb. I win the roll and I'm asked to pass to a Death Knight in a level 77 green item because "he needs it more than me." Well, whose fault is that? If he were sporting a heroic shoulder piece or something similar, I wouldn't really have a problem, but because he's slacked off and couldn't be bothered to run heroics or spend gold on the auction house, why should I have to pass a piece of loot to him? I've done my homework - I had the absolute best items available to me before I entered Naxx (with the exception of my wand which refused to drop in Azjol'Nerub - and ask around, I ran it a LOT). So because I worked my ass off to get the Deathchill Cloak, a Titanium Spellshock Necklace, a Signet of Kirin Tor, etc., I get penalized because you're lazy? HATE IT.
Now you might be thinking I'm a loot whore. I'd like to think I'm not. I've passed plenty of items and I've gotten lucky on some rolls (Valorous Leggings, I'm looking at you). But I've put the work in for my items and I think I deserve an upgrade every now and again.
Another issue I've run into now that we're running 25 man Naxx is that I really don't need much from there. Sure, there's some nice, marginal upgrades. But on our last run, clearing two wings, one item dropped I wanted. Of course, I was outrolled. The problem here is, I'm being outrolled on a Tier piece because now that we have 25 people, there's more people to roll against. Even though I didn't roll once leading up to that point. This is where I think a DKP or EP/GP system would come in nicely for me. I could save points on drops which are of no interest to me and spend them on the very rare drop that does interest me.
This week, we venture back into Naxxramas (25 man) and we'll probably do the same two wings again and I'll probably have another shot at my Tier 7.5 shoulders (best in slot). And I'll probably lose them again. Now, there will be one less person rolling against me since he got them last week, but there's still plenty of overpowered Death Knights and druids running with us. So even though I might not see any other item throughout the whole instance that I want, I'll have the same chance as everyone else at those shoulderpads.
Now, technically, you only get one item a run, but in the case of the undergeared mage we ran with, he got a lot of items by default last run, and now this run won't need to roll on them and will probably win the tier shoulders that I want.
Yeah, I know I'm bitching a bunch, but it just upsets me at times where I get just one chance to roll on loot and my dice forsake me and I've spent four hours without anything to show for it. Other than gearing up other players who may or may not run with us in the weeks to follow.
Last week, of our 25 man group, there were 4 mages, 4 death knights, 2 rogues, and 4 druids. So that's 14 of the 25 people that are going to roll against me on Tier 7.5 shoulders. So my chances of winning are slim.
((Note to readers in my group - if you win, DO NOT pass to me because of my bitching - I don't want to win an item that way. But perhaps we do need to discuss loot rules further :))