Upon using a portal to travel to Darnassus, I came upon a quest I had forgotten about - cloth turn-ins. So after turning in wool, silk, mageweave, and runecloth, I was close, but not close enough. I took a portal to the Exodar and was able to only turn in runecloth. So there I was, 3 quests short of Loremaster when I remembered...those Infected Nightsaber Runts drop a Faintly Glowing Crystal that starts a quest! So on my first kill I had it, I turned it in, and lo-and-behold, there was a follow-up quest. Completed it, and I'm one away from Loremaster. And there it was, a big yellow exclamation point on my map - The Great Moongraze Hunt. I'm not quite sure why I never did it in the first place, and I'm also not sure why I never thought about coming back to Azuremyst Isle to look for quests - I just mistakenly assumed on my first pass through Azuremyst, I got all the quests, but apparently, one was left behind. I quickly completed it, and upon turning it in...

Well, I have just one "quest" achievement left - Rapid Defense - so I'd like to clear that up and have 49/49 quest achievements complete. I also have one realistic "exploration" achievement left to do - Medium Rare - so I'd like to clear that one up as well. Then I think it's back to heroic 5-man achievements and, of course, I need to take down that pesky Kel'Thuzad in heroic Naxx. Unfortunately, I will be gone this Friday and won't have a shot at him this week (so he'll likely go down this week when I'm not there), but I'll get him sooner or later. But perhaps the week after, we'll have a brand new patch with tons of brand new achievements to ferret out. It certainly feels good to finally have Loremaster crossed off the list.