For this quick guide, I'll assume you know how to use Rawr and you already have it set up with your character imported, all gear setup, and all relevant buffs properly set. So the first thing you need to do is head over to Wowhead, search for Emblem of Frost, apply a filter, and then add a weight scale for your mage - see here. This shows you all the items you can buy with Emblems of Frost that are best suited for your mage. For some reason, this list doesn't currently have the Tier 10 items in there, so we will need to add those as well to our item costs - gloves & shoulders - 60 emblems; hood, robe & leggings - 95 emblems.
So now there's two ways to use the new item cost editor.
1) Put in all Emblem of Frost items with an "item cost" of 1.
2) Put in all Emblem of Frost items with an "item cost" of the number of emblems it takes.
The advantage of putting all item costs in at 1 is that you can see the single best upgrade with Emblems of Frost - regardless of cost. However, if you put in the item cost as the number of emblems each item costs, you can then optimize later for exactly how many emblems you actually have. I prefer the item cost of 1, so that's what I'll show in this guide.
So to edit the item costs, pull up the list of the gear slot you want to look at - in this example, shoulders. Go down to the item that you want to edit - for example, Bloodmage Shoulderpads. Right click on the item and select "Edit..."

On the bottom of the screen that pops up, right in the middle, you'll see "Cost" - put a 1 in here. (click the following picture to enlarge)

Now just rinse and repeat this for all the items you want to evaluate. So now that you've got all these item costs in, what can you do with them?
The easiest thing to do is just see which one item gives you the most bang for your buck (or badge). Go to Tools > Optimize and you'll see an option over on the left called "Additional Requirements." Click "Add" and select "Cost <= 1.00".

Now run the optimizer as usual and wait for the output. It should look something like this (click to make larger):

What the optimizer has done for me is, with just one item from Emblems of Frost, my best upgrade is the Meteor Chaser's Raiment. It shows my pants in this option because I need to change one +hit gem out for +haste for my otpimal gear setup.
So what happens if we have enough Emblems of Frost for two items? Basically, it's still telling me to take the Meteor Chaser's Raiment and now the Circle of Ossus. Now why is this? Wouldn't it be better to have two pieces of Tier 10? The short answer: No. Because we have to break 4 piece Tier 9, it doesn't make sense to get just two pieces of Tier 10. Not until we take up the "Item Cost" on the optimization to 4 does it return Tier 10 items (click to see larger):

This leaves us with a quandary. We know that four pieces of Tier 10 is absolutely amazing these days. So what do we do? The Meteor Chaser's Robe is absolutely amazing, but is it a big enough upgrade over Merlin's Robe? Similarly, right now the Belt of Omission/Circle of Ossus is the best in slot (depending on hit/haste options). So do I aim for that along with the Robe?
Short-term, the answer is yes. Those two upgrades will cost 155 Emblems of Frost. To get four pieces of Tier 10, you will need 345 emblems. With the length of time between unlock periods on Icecrown Citadel and gaining 14 emblems a week with the weekly raid/daily heroic quests, 345 really isn't unobtainable. So that's the way I'm going - saving for Tier 10.
One thing you must always remember - Rawr is strange when it comes to optimizations at time. Just always run it a few times - and if you have the time, run it with the max thoroughness. I've run it a few times, gotten different results a couple of times, but now with max thoroughness, it settles on four pieces of tier 10, so that's the way I'm going. So it shall be.
with the chest being weakest t9 piece, my rawr and gearwishlist has me getting t10 chest first [keeping 4 p t9 - head, shoulder, glove, leg]
and then get the new badge belt [ossus not omission, we won't need hit with the 2 new rings: rep ring and labyrinth ring from morrowgar].
spend gold (not emblems) on primordial's for the crafted boots. then when you have enough emblems for 2 p t10, get shoulders or head (depending again on your hit vs haste situation) (new head is hit free i think).
at this point you have 2 p t10 and (useless 3p t9), so spend gold (not emblems) on the primordials for the crafted legs. now you'll have 2 p t10 and 2 p t9. at this point i think we won't equip 3 p t10 until you have 4 p t10.
then, depending on your hit still, you might have to spend more gold on the other boots.
wall of text verbal vomit, sorry. what do you think of the plan?
I like the progression here. The T10 Bloodmage Robe is a very slight upgrade over Merlin's Robe, but it is still an upgrade, so that could (and probably should be the first use of emblems). Even though Rawr says the greatest use of emblems is on a belt upgrade, I think saving them for T10 is the way to go.
Spending some cash on the crafted boots (Sandals of Consecration) is probably the correct next step as they are BIS behind the Plague Scientist's Boots (ilvl 277 - which means heroic 25 man ICC). Since our guild cannot run heroic 25 mans at this time, the Boots of the Mourning Widow are also out of the question.
As for the second piece of T10, I'm still not certain that breaking 4PCT9 is worth it. If I equip the Bloodmage Robe in Rawr and run the optimizer, allowing it to pick the best upgrade for one emblem item, it chooses the shoulderpads and goes from a "score" of 7840 to 8000. So it seems quite clear that breaking 4pcT9 is worth it when you can get 2pcT10.
So yes, I like your upgrade plan. Thanks for posting it, it will be very helpful for future planning
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